Lisa Royère is a French American designer and artist based in Orange County. Her works are based on her personal experience as a woman and growing up in two cultures where women in Europe were often celebrated as an art form through fine art and cinema, while in the US, exposing female nudity was (and still is) considered taboo. Lisa’s art hopes to change the way women are portrayed and celebrate their freedom of expressing their bodies. With an overnight buzz on her instagram page, Lisa was offered to showcase her “Corps-poration” series at Bergamot Station Center of Arts in Santa Monica in 2018. This was the beginning of her creative career as she took American iconic brands and revamped them with a European empowering approach. Her most prominent and iconic piece that drew the most attention was her Maneater paintings, inspired by infamous Malboro brand where the epitome of masculinity was advertised, she challenged this idea on what would be the epitome of femininity? Using the cigarette silhouette from Marlboro and painting a nude bust as the main subject using her dad’s vintage magazine collection of Madonna collaged in the background.
With her BFA degree in Graphic Design and Advertising, taught her to combine the fields of art and design. These theories, merged with contemporary culture, make up Lisa’s inter-disciplinary practice today, where she hopes to impact the world through her eyes with her art.
She expanded her work into streetwear where she applied her Maneater painting on shirts and jackets and was offered to showcase her collection at the 2022 Oscars and bringing awareness what it means to be a woman, and have conversations with women in high positions who are not often recognized in the entertainment world for their accomplishments in a male dominated industry. Later that year, Lisa was picked to participate in Getty Museum’s 25th anniversary to showcase one of her pieces from her series “Western Minx”; an homage to pop culture’s most notable female icons such as Marylin Monroe, Monica Bellucci and Pamela Anderson.
But of course, it doesn’t end here for Royère’s creative endeavors as she is launching her ARTwear brand “Maneater Brand” where she plans to shake things up in the fashion and wearable art industry.